Stéphane Gaubert's Home Page

Stephane Gaubert's Photo
Senior Research Scientist (Directeur de recherche CE) at INRIA, Research unit of Saclay — Île-de-France
Head of Tropical research team joint to INRIA and
Centre de Mathématiques Appliquéees (CMAP) of École Polytechnique, UMR 7641 CNRS
Professor at École Polytechnique in the applied mathematics departement (part-time position)
Co-head of the Master 2 (Research) in Optimization, joint to University Paris Saclay and IPP.

Phone direct +33 (0)1 69 33 46 13, secrétariat: +33 (0)1 69 33 46 03
Fax +33 (0)1 69 33 46 46
Office number 00-3039 (upper floor) Locating my office on the Campus Map
Postal address CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France.
How to come to polytechnique
Public PGP key


Internships, Phd, and post-docs offers


Seminars (co-organized)

Gaspard Monge Programme for Optimization and OR

ANR project XHilbertField

Former ANR projects: Democrite, MALTHY

Talk on "Tropical modules, zero-sum games and non-archimedean optimization" (NCG'2017)

SIAM CT09 presentation

Lecture in Madrid: Max-plus algebra...

Tropical methods for ergodic control and zero-sum games (weak kam workshop)

Dynamical aspects in Variational Analysis (workshop, 2018)

Archive: former scientific projects / events
Howard's algorithm for max-plus eigenvalues
Maxplus toolbox of Scilab
Friend Pages
Marianne Akian
Xavier Allamigeon
Guy Cohen
Jean-Pierre Quadrat
Cormac Walsh
Former and current PhD students

Stéphane Gaubert, September 2024